6.1.8 Pre-Birth Conference

A Pre-birth Child Protection Conference should have the same status and process as any other Initial Conference and can, where appropriate, make a recommendation that the child becomes subject to a child protection plan at birth.

The social work report to the ICPC must include the pre birth assessment, undertaken in partnership with maternity services.

Midwifery and Health Visiting services should both be included in all conferences where an unborn child is considered and in any pre-birth planning. The health visitor should ensure that the appropriate GP is made aware of any identified risks and of any plans made.

Future risk of significant harm in relation to the unborn child of an adult living within the same household as a child subject to a child protection plan should be considered at a Child Protection Review Conference prior to the birth.

Pre-birth Child Protection Conferences or Review Conferences where an unborn child is to be considered, should be held no later than the 34th week of the pregnancy and ideally as soon as possible after the pregnancy ‘booking in appointment.’  This ensures an assessment is undertaken and a plan is in place aiming for the parent to be able to meet the child’s needs at birth or have a clear alternative permanency plan for the new-born baby.

Where parents are already known to specialist services, including substance misuse, mental health and domestic abuse, the key worker should ensure that a representative from these services is invited to any meeting to support assessment and planning. 

This page is correct as printed on Thursday 23rd of January 2025 02:30:23 AM please refer back to this website (http://seftonscp.procedures.org.uk) for updates.